0191 666 6760

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Assisted Sales

Are you having problems selling your property because it is in bad condition?

Well if it is in a bad condition and in need of renovation to help sell it for a better price then we may be able to help. Every year there are 1000’s of properties that owner are having problems trying to sell or they have inherited properties in disrepair. Often they take along time to sell and they do not get a good price for the property as most buyers now want a renovated property ready to move into.

How can we help sell your property?

This is where we can work with you to help renovate the property using our trusted team paid for by us and then we gain a share of the up lift in value of the property. Please get in contact to discuss your own property. We are a very ethical company who like to create a Win: Win for every one involved.

Win = Seller, earns more money with less stress.
Win = Us, we love renovating and make our money from the uplift in value of the property.
Win = Buyer, gets a renovated property ready to move into.
Win = Estate agents, can sell the property faster and for a better price.

Part of being an ethical company is we will point you in the right direction with selling your property if we are not able to help you with an assisted sale. Also for every assisted sale we do we will have 40 trees planted on our behalf. Reducing our Environmental impact on the planet is important to us as well so where possible we will increase loft insulation to 300mm and fit 100% LED lighting where possible to during our renovations.

Areas we cover for assisted property sales

The whole of the UK including: London (assisted sales London) , Reading (assisted sales Reading), Oxford (Assisted sales Oxford), Cambridge (Assisted Sales Cambridge), Bristol (Assisted Sales Bristol), Bath (Assisted sales Bath), Cardiff (Assisted Sales Cardiff), Nottingham (Assisted Sales Nottingham), Sheffield (Assisted Sales Sheffield), Liverpool (Assisted Sales Liverpool), Newcastle (Assisted sales Newcastle), Sunderland (Assisted sales Sunderland) and more.

Find out more

Give us a call on 0191 666 6760 or fill out our enquiry from and we will be in contact with you to have a friendly chat about the property.

Ethical Property Sourcing

Please get in contact with us to see if we can help you find the property that you are looking for. We can find all sorts of property for you, including flats, houses, bungalows, single lets, multi lets, HMO, flips, BMV.