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Property Sourcing Glasgow

Why invest in property in Glasgow?

Glasgow is a city with a 600,000 population which has a strong economy with good rental demand. There are great yield returns to be made here with houses start from as low as £95k and some times cheaper.

What type of properties can we source for you in Glasgow?

  • Houses in Glasgow
  • Flats in Glasgow
  • HMO’s in Glasgow

Example of a property we could source for you to add to your portfolio:

This is an example of the kind of property that we can source for you in Glasgow. Traditional 1 bedroom flat on the outskirts of Glasgow in need of a new kitchen to get best rent. £3-4k. £42,000+ with a estimated monthly rent of £450.

What is our favourite café/restaurant in Glasgow when out sourcing property?

Scran, Great Scottish café at a good price with lovely dishes with a Scottish twist.

The most heavily populated city in Scotland, Glasgow’s positioning upon the River Clyde is no accident – the fishing and shipping the river continues to provide serve as a major reason for the population growth in the region over the course of several millennia. Nowadays, Glasgow is home not just to a number of modern and medieval architectural specimens, but also to the famed “Glasgow patter”, a distinctive dialect of Scots that has, over the years, served as a major aspect of Glaswegian identity.

Ethical Property Sourcing

Please get in contact with us to see if we can help you find the property that you are looking for. We can find all sorts of property for you, including flats, houses, bungalows, single lets, multi lets, HMO, flips, BMV.